About MaxHousePrice, How to Unlock the Full Potential of Your Home

Embarking on a home renovation project is a significant endeavor, and choosing the right renovation partner can make all the difference. At MaxHousePrice, we specialize in delivering excellence in every renovation, whether you’re preparing to sell, enhancing your living space, or simply bringing your vision to life. Learn more about MaxHousePrice, and how we can help you unlock the full potential of your home.

Our Story

Founded in 2018 by Tom Parmentier and Bryan Felder, MaxHousePrice began as a solution for homeowners looking to maximize their property’s value before selling. Recognizing the broader need for quality renovation services, the company expanded its offerings to cater to individuals seeking transformative renovations for their homes.

“Renovating a home can be stressful and challenging no matter how well a home has been maintained during ownership. Sometimes, to top off these standard challenges, clients can have stressful life circumstances that make the pre-list renovations even more difficult. Well, thanks to MaxHousePrice, that’s no longer the case. Now there is a qualified team that should be contacted to walk through and manage the entire renovation process,” says Tom.

Inception of MaxHousePrice

Tom recalls how MaxHousePrice came into being: “In 2018 Bryan and I attended a conference, and one business discussion led to another. He was telling me about a client who needed to sell a home but needed to complete some pre-list updates to the house. Bryan said to the client, ‘I’ll take care of it with contractors I know. Just pay me back when we sell your home.’ It worked out, and the client sold for more money! I said, Bryan, that’s a business right there! Based on that model, we brainstormed and turned that idea of paying for pre-list renovations into our business, MaxHousePrice.”

Consulting with Creativity

It is a consultative approach that Tom and his team take with real estate agents and their clients, collectively sharing thoughts and ideas. The MaxHousePrice team has a call with the agent or the homeowner, then schedules a consultation to meet with the agent and client to discuss different options and ideas. The MaxHousePrice team is always here to listen and available to hear the wishes and desires of the real estate agent and their client. From these discussions, MaxHousePrice then develops a line-by-line estimate for the agent and their clients to review and discuss.

“Every consultation is an individualized process. In some cases, it may make sense to do a more cosmetic refresh rather than a kitchen remodel…in other cases, a full home renovation may be warranted to help the clients sell for so much more! We help determine the best scope of home improvements that will provide the highest ROI,” says Tom.

Team Excellence

Today, MaxHousePrice is currently a team of 10 superstars efficiently managing renovations! An amazing Operations Team comprised of a Director of Construction, Project Manager, and Design Consultant who are supported by a Sales team that answers agent/client questions, walks through homes, remains a reliable point of contact throughout the entire process, and creates line-by-line estimates for review. Then there is the efficient management team that oversees all the behind-the-scenes tasks and responsibilities.

As Tom says, “Our entire company is guided by our core values, including family first, decisive, all in, and lead by example.”

Client Satisfaction

Those who’ve had the opportunity to work with MaxHousePrice attest to seeing the tangible value and experiencing the sincere care they receive throughout the entire process, from start to finish.

“Our job isn’t done until our clients are satisfied. With our core values always guiding our actions and business, we always aim to make things right. With any construction process, we are human, and, at times, there can be unforeseen circumstances and unforeseen scope items that can’t be projected until we get behind walls, etc. Especially with larger scope renovations, it can be challenging to fully predict things until you are further into the project and need to adjust, accordingly,” Tom points out.

“As always, in these situations, you can count on MaxHousePrice to take care of our clients. We do everything we can to keep change orders at a minimum. That being said, we can’t predict them all. By being thorough and having our process of frequent team walk-throughs and line-by-line estimates, we strive hard to always be responsible stewards of clients’ equity,” he says.

Here at MaxHousePrice, we want all our clients to be happy with the finished product. We go above and beyond. We truly value the relationship with the real estate and their clients! It can be very humbling just to know how essential MaxHousePrice and our team can be to an agent’s business. We love to be a necessary resource for all real estate agents and we love to see them have tremendous success!

I am a licensed realtor and will be using this group again. They made the process super easy, terrific group to work with, huge thanks to Bethany, Natasha, just to name a few and the rest of the team. Mega success!! I also appreciated their communication during the entire process.